"DIY logbook/journaling method that combines elements of Emily Freeman’s Next Right Thing Journal, Sacred Ordinary Days’ examen, and an exercise from The Artist Way." If anything, this right here makes me feel like we are neighbors in a parallel universe. I'm going to need to hear more on this process, as I keep circling the DIY drain and have yet to design anything that holds water for long.

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Yes! That'll be my next Substack post! Honestly, I would highly recommend picking up a copy of The Next Right Thing Guided Journal to try if you don't have the space to DIY it. I really loved her seasonal format and monthly examen pages, and it helped me create a reflection habit I can actually stick with.

My main reason for going DIY is I have a ton of blank journals and I didn't use all the features in the NRT journal. I'll definitely write something in the next couple weeks about my method. :)

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I've used the NRT journal for 3 years (well, more like 2.25 if you note the number of blank pages in last year's...) and I have used the SOD planner for 7? 8? years? I didn't get in on the kickstarter for that one, but have used it every year since and, of course, am not this year. I went through The Artist Way last year and have tried to incorporate Morning Pages, but trying to habit stack all of those and then cobble together something else when SOD wasn't available... it's been a haphazard mess. LOL. I'm looking forward to seeing your method!

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I, for one, am looking forward to seeing/reading about this DIY journaling process of yours. It sounds seriously amazing.

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Working on it! I don't know about amazing, but I hope it's at least interesting and helpful! 😄 I've been trying to find a journaling method I can stick with for like half my life...

If you don't wanna DIY though, I highly recommend The Next Right Thing Guided Journal! This totally changed how I reflect on life while it's happening.

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same, same. I've been DIYing for a while, and find that pre-made journals never seem to do it for me, so I'm interested to see what you've picked and chosen from ones like NRT.

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Thanks for sharing the interview, Jen! I loved hearing about your year in review.

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I'm sorry I'm so late to sharing it! 😅 It was super fun!

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