Stupid lyme. But also, solidarity in all the things, canceled summer plans just in time for heart in afib, covid, appendectomy—all the things. I feel like I'm still mourning the big trees and mountainscapes we're missing. Love you guys.

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Jun 13, 2023·edited Jun 13, 2023Author

Solidarity! I find it comforting to know the trees and mountains will still be there when our bodies are ready for it. Still worth mourning though. Love you guys too... it's been a whole summer and it's not even July yet! Hope you and Nate are on the mend and getting the rest and and joy you need. 💛

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Jun 12, 2023Liked by Jen Rose Yokel

Good on ya, Chris, for canceling! And thank goodness for antibiotics!

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He is the best of humans. And YES so grateful. Only halfway done, and I already feel SO MUCH better.

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Boo to lyme, but yay golden shovel!

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It might be my favorite poetry form! I enjoy the sneaky hidden message part of it. 😁

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🌌 Every star

💖 shore up, shore up

🍻 home holds me

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Jun 12, 2023·edited Jun 12, 2023Liked by Jen Rose Yokel

Mine too. Twinsies! And Tolkien to boot! Been thinking of you guys for all the reasons - PoPub chapbook, Habit retreat, & your anniversary, right? Writing July 2021 with you and Janna was huge for me. A year later that mess launched me further up and further in. Seriously tho I just sent four golden shovels to RR after the last member email poetry call.

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Yes! Anniversary was last week! And man, Camp NaNoWriMo was a good time, even if I did fizzle out pretty quickly. 😅 I'm so glad it helped jumpstart your writing! It was really fun to have that accountability with you and Janna. (Or... sometimes commiseration, at least for me, haha)

I'm thinking about doing #1000wordsofsummer over the next couple weeks. Similar anything goes vibe, but the timing and shorter duration might work better for me this year. I'm itching to write longer things again, and I have a couple of ideas rattling around to explore. (Maybe revisit the Camp NaNo project, or maybe something different) It looks like a fun challenge: https://1000wordsofsummer.substack.com/p/get-ready-to-do-this-thing

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Golden shovel form is great fun! I wrote one after Tolkien too. 😊 So sorry about the Lyme - been through that whole nightmare. If it gives you any further trouble, I’m here for you. 💚

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Love your poems and glad you're doing better.FYI I was reading your letter while I was eating my new favorite ice-cream Häagen-Dazs pineapple coconut send my love Dad

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